Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mea Culpa

Welcome to my testimony.

When you correct someone's grammar, or point out a misspelling or errant apostrophe, you give permission for the rest of the world to scrutinize your own work ten-fold. Such is the case in my blog post below, where I repeated a word and had a missing comma. Two words were also run together. In other words, it was the 'touche' moment every editor/writer/word person has, and hates.

For this class I'm taking on digital brands/media, we are to produce a blog. Me being who I am, I must include some rantings about grammar or design. It's what I do. Or did, but whatever.

In the spirit of admitting mistakes -- and internet transparency -- I've corrected my blog below. I'm human, though sometimes I don't like to admit it. See a typo here? Let me know, and take some satisfaction in knowing you brought about the next set of red edit marks.


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