Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Third-Party Response

As if Mashable read my story (c'mon, it's entirely possible), today it offered a solution to help Netflix in its quest to, oh, stay alive and offer me more movies.

Here's a quick synopsis in case you're too lazy to click the link above:
"5 Ways Netflix Can Stop the Bleeding," by Lance Ulanoff at Mashable.
1) No More Reversals 
2) Sign One Big Studio Now
3) Create a Lifetime Membership Option
4) Sell
5) Make Hastings Chairman Only and Bring in a New CEO
What I love about this: Idea No. 2. Yes! Isn't this what all streaming subscribers have been screaming for months/years? Offer us more! If you provide a streaming-only option, give it some legs to stand on. I won't go back to getting DVDs, but eventually I will work my way through your sad streaming offerings. Don't make me cancel because of -that-.

What about the other ideas? Sure. Fine. Whatever. Selling, Idea No. 4,  makes me nervous, because with selling comes more change, which kind of contradicts Idea No. 1. Lifetime membership? Meh. I don't want to shell out $300 or $500 right now, but I'm sure some people would. And the new CEO option? I don't really care who the CEO of Netflix is, honestly. I want a broader assortment of TV shows and movies. If Reed can do that, great. Hooray Reed. If not, I'm happy to see what a new CEO can do. I think. Unless that means more change for me, which I'm really kind of over at this point.

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