Thursday, September 22, 2011

In Appreciation

Thank you for the music, REM

I’ve loved you since my tennis coach in 7th grade introduced me to Green.

You were one of the first things my husband and I discovered we had in common; he went to a concert on your Monster tour in Orlando while I was away at college being a poor freshman who couldn’t afford a ticket. When you came to Iowa, I had a friend buy me a T-shirt. The boy and I traded shirts through the mail, and 15 years later, we still have them.

I am thankful I did eventually get to see you twice in concert over the years. My only regret is not getting a T-shirt at the Vote for Change show. Springsteen didn’t hold a candle to you that night. Sorry, Boss.

I wasn’t saddened by yesterday’s news of the band ceasing to be. It made sense; I understood.

The fans will be fine. And I will always have “Catapult” on my playlist. And probably “Electrolite,” too.

Editor's Note: All the "It's the end of the world as we know it" headlines have just got to stop. Really people. It's not clever.

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