Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I do?

So, I'm a bridesmaid again. This is a role I kinda thought I was done with. I've done the bridesmaid routine for high school friends and college friends, and of course family weddings, but at a certain (yet still very young, really!) age, you assume you're too old for this stuff.

A good friend I've made since moving to Baton Rouge is getting married in May, and she's asked her two knitting cohorts, of which I'm one, to be in her wedding. Don't get me wrong, I'm honored to be asked, and any excuse for a new dress and shoes is great, but the last two weekends of dress shopping and detail discussing has made me realize how "20s" this activity was to me. I'm not in my 20s anymore, and this experience has definitely made me feel it.

She's determined to have the bridesmaids in dresses they'll "wear again." Oh, isn't that the most naive thing a bridesmaid can hear? We never wear those dresses again. Just accept it. I finally had to say, "honey, every bridesmaid has accepted the fact that she'll never wear this again except for maybe a Halloween costume*. Choose a dress you love and we're happy to wear it." Yep, that's not the 20s talking. That's the full-blown 30s, baby. Bridesmaid experience, I has it.

How is it different this time around? Well, the iPhone for one**. Although we all have different models, we all have some way to take pictures while dress shopping and send them to anyone who can't be with us. Back in my day, we found pictures on the internet and attached them in an email to friends out of state. I know, that's so early 2000s.

While I won't be able to get the new, fancy version of the iPhone any time soon, I can dream. I can dream of asking Siri, "What's the easiest way to be a thirty-something bridesmaid?" I'd love to see what it says.

*Note only one of my bridesmaid dresses has been hacked into a costume, but I have a nice red number that has potential, circa 2007.
** The iPhone 4s was announced yesterday. Did you miss the details?

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